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IT Management Software

Improve user satisfaction with reliable IT Management System

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Understanding IT Management system and asset management

Meticulously handle all queries and technical problems.


IT Management Software is a platform that assists employees with the solutions for the incidents and requests. IT team can track incidents, troubleshoot issues, and provide assistance with regards to products, services, or both, and procedures by using IT help desk.

All incoming IT related requests from customers and other corporate departments are handled by an IT ticketing system. Every support request will be turned into a separate ticket by its design, which also streamlines the support procedure through features like ticket management, enhanced collaboration, automation, and others.

IT Management software with asset management

Manage and streamline the internal IT Helpdesk requests.

The single point of contact between end users and the IT team is the IT ticketing system. IT Management system enables IT team to centrally store and manage support requests that have been compiled into tickets from various channels. In order to keep IT support teams productive and organized, the ticketing system also aids in classifying and assigning these tickets in accordance with priority.

  • Empower the IT with IT Helpdesk System

    IT ticketing software is necessary for the company to prioritize, group, and organize support requests. Using ticketing systems, businesses can quickly assign inquiries to the most qualified agent, contextual IT support interactions, and keep track IT requests/incidents.

  • Asset Management

    Asset Management is an IT inventory management which is enabled to handle any kinds of IT hardware, software, license and accessories within a company.

  • Change Management

    Change management captures all the IT maintenance, shutdowns, periodic upgrades which is called as change request about the on going activity.


Why you should use Portstay IT Management System?

IT helpdesk assistance becomes vital when a device or software develops a technical issue. IT team offers much more than just a technical team and employees may contact get the assistance of resolving any IT issues while working in the on campus or working remotely called as the off campus or hybrid. IT team role has been modified over the years not just providing the helpdesk, also maintaining the assets, preparing the planned shutdown for periodic maintenance through change management and unplanned maintenance upon emergency situations,

  • Computer lifecycle & returns
  • Hardware support
  • Network related issues
  • Internet Security & antivirus
  • Server support
  • Active directory
  • Passwords
  • Messaging
  • Data & Encryption
  • Software & business applications
  • Mobile Access
  • Remote Access

IT Managers, Director/CXOs

  • IT Helpdesk system provides IT Managers, Director/CXOs with insight into the kinds of issues and inquiries that come up repeatedly
  • allowing them to anticipate problems and develop a method and procedures to resolve them.

Effortless IT Helpdesk

  • IT Helpdesk Agent/Engineer is the point of contact when the employees seeking assistance for the issue/request to an IT team.
  • When reaching out to IT team is not becomes easy, people are left to spend the effort to figuring out how to get the issue resolved or request addressed.

Essential features available in Portstay IT Helpdesk Ticketing Software

Capture and resolve IT requests through IT helpdesk system

IT Team or employees can directly raise a ticket in the platform and all the tickets kept in a single place which can be viewed by whole IT Team, managers or IT Director/CXOs. IT Helpdesk software makes it simple for the IT team to communicate with one another and can handle several tickets at once.

Helpdesk team, managers or employees can use IT helpdesk software to create tickets for various category with issues or requests,

  • Hardware or software new requests
  • Hardware or software incident
  • Applications related issues
  • Accessories requests

Assets Manager

IT Asset Manager is built-in feature in IT Helpdesk software that helps organization for the better inventory management to gain insights for plan, assist, organize to IT needs, discovery, auditing IT assets. Asset Manager helps the organization with process-oriented and making sure assets are tracked, reserved in IT asset management. It involves ensuring that organizations important assets are monitored and utilized.

IT assets may comprise with asset status,

  • In use
  • In stock
  • Missing
  • Reserved

Change Management

Organizations to achieve the compliance requirements, and reviews should go through a required planned maintenance down time, IT infrastructures and application will be down during the planned down time window, hence resources will not be available for the people on campus or off campus.

Portstay has in-built change management in the IT Helpdesk software which tracks, manages all the shutdown, maintenance. Once Change request or management is raised it’s defined with clear reason, time and what’s available and what not.

Change request consists of,

  • Change type
  • Requester
  • Category
  • Priority
  • Assignee
  • Impact
  • Risk
  • Change request description